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QAM FinTech SA is a modern payments provider business that provides fast financial value transfer services throughout the Republic of Guinea. QAM FinTech SA offers an entire payments suite solution through a full set of software applications to its target customers at an affordable transaction fee. Moreover, it’ll be responsible for updating and monitoring its software components. The Company will operate in the Republic of Guinea, by providing peer to peer payments services to citizens and companies, online payments for online shops and merchants, point of sale solutions for local stores and malls, currency exchange, crypto value assets manipulation and associated services like payments monitoring, reporting, and tracking. The entire QAM Payment Solution contains several software applications, to server different types of players involved in operating the ecosystem, more specific: citizens (also called users), business owners (owners of local stores or online shops and exchange owners), government (central bank monitoring and government financial auditors) and the beneficiary (in charge with maintaining the entire technology stack). So, for this reason, several software applications or core software components were designed to fulfill the needs of every involved player. ...Show MoreQAM FinTech SA is a modern payments provider business that provides fast financial value transfer services throughout the Republic of Guinea. QAM FinTech SA offers an entire payments suite solution through a full set of software applications to its target customers at an affordable transaction fee. Moreover, it’ll be responsible for updating and monitoring its software components. The Company will operate in the Republic of Guinea, by providing peer to peer payments services to citizens and companies, online payments for online shops and merchants, point of sale solutions for local stores and malls, currency exchange, crypto value assets manipulation and associated services like payments monitoring, reporting, and tracking. The entire QAM Payment Solution contains several software applications, to server different types of players involved in operating the ecosystem, more specific: citizens (also called users), business owners (owners of local stores or online shops and exchange owners), government (central bank monitoring and government financial auditors) and the beneficiary (in charge with maintaining the entire technology stack). So, for this reason, several software applications or core software components were designed to fulfill the needs of every involved player. Show More
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