
Basis Set Ventures

VC Firm
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Technology has the power to help us reinvent the way we work—whether that’s at an office, in a factory, or on a farm. Basis Set Ventures invests in early-stage startups that are harnessing artificial intelligence to let people perform more productively. We are pragmatic operators and problem solvers. We are experts in machine learning and passionate about AI. We are inspired by the drive and creativity of our entrepreneurs and focused upon... Read more ...Show MoreTechnology has the power to help us reinvent the way we work—whether that’s at an office, in a factory, or on a farm. Basis Set Ventures invests in early-stage startups that are harnessing artificial intelligence to let people perform more productively. We are pragmatic operators and problem solvers. We are experts in machine learning and passionate about AI. We are inspired by the drive and creativity of our entrepreneurs and focused upon... Read more Show More
San Francisco
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